Billy of Wilmington, DE

“We’ve had Host Merchant Services since 2003 when we’ve started processing credit cards. They are the extension of our financial system and we’ve had an outstanding experience with them. I have recommended them to a few too. Host Merchant Services was the first one that offered me different options that nobody else had and I decided that that was the way to go. Since we’re pretty loyal people, we stayed with them. Every time somebody else comes and says they have additional benefits to offer, Host Merchant Services would match the benefits so we haven’t changed. They’ve always been very friendly and helpful too. Their rep Danielle and then Kim took care of me very well.

We use their product all day, every day at the pizza shop. We process the payments by swiping the person’s card on the machine and punching in the total. We also give a receipt if the person wants it. The payment then gets deposited into one settlement every night directly into our bank. When we were still using a regular dial-up line for our processing machine, it was getting slower as the technology was too fast for the regular phone line. It got to the point where it was taking about five swipes to get it to go through. Host Merchant Services told me exactly what I needed. I wasn’t even able to settle anymore. I went home and put the machine on my personal Wi-Fi to get the credit card machine at a good speed, so that it could settle everything without problems. And as soon as I changed over to Wi-Fi, I had no more problems.”