Double Your Traffic With These SEO Strategies

Double Your Traffic With These SEO Strategies

Posted: June 20, 2024 | Updated: June 18, 2024

Small businesses often find it challenging to stand out amid increasing online competition. Local SEO has emerged as a significant tool, offering smaller companies a way to boost their online presence and attract local customers. However, with algorithms controlling visibility and search engine rankings, how can small businesses effectively use local SEO to prosper in their communities?

Even with hard work and dedication put into their products, many small businesses remain obscured by countless search results. How can they break through the digital clutter and establish a presence in the local market? This is a common challenge for numerous small businesses leveraging local SEO.

This detailed blog will explore practical local SEO strategies tailored to help small businesses improve their local search rankings.

Understanding What Is an SEO Strategy

Understanding What Is an SEO Strategy

SEO involves adjusting a website’s content and structure to align with search engines’ algorithms to rank sites. An SEO strategy is a planned approach to enhancing your website’s standing with search engines. When executed effectively, SEO leads to higher rankings in search results and an increase in organic traffic.

This plan involves refining various aspects of your website and its content to ensure search engines like Google easily find it. The primary goal is to boost your site’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), differentiating organic traffic from paid advertising. SEO strategies include various tactics such as keyword research, content development, technical improvements to the website, and link building.

Top 10 SEO Strategies That Every Business Owner (and Marketing Head) Should Know in 2024

The rules of SEO are evolving, and the strategies that previously propelled websites to the top of search results might no longer work.

You must adopt a new approach to stay ahead of the competition and avoid common SEO errors that lower your rankings. The strategies outlined below will assist you in this transition and help you adhere to the latest SEO best practices.

1. Define Buyer Personas

Define Buyer Personas

The user or buyer personas are crafted profiles that serve as stand-ins for your ideal customers. Each persona captures the desires, needs, and obstacles of different potential audience members at various stages in your sales funnel.

Creating user personas enables you to understand your target market’s behaviors, skills, goals, challenges, attitudes, and demographics.

For example, suppose you offer an email automation tool. One persona could be a startup founder looking to improve their email-driven customer acquisition. Another might be a marketing leader responsible for managing email newsletters, while a third could be focused on engaging customers with updates on new products. Each persona faces distinct challenges and objectives, and the methods to engage them, as well as their use of your tool, will vary.

There are also ‘negative’ user personas, which depict potential customers who are unsuitable for your product. These profiles are useful for identifying individuals whose needs do not match your product’s capabilities or who may be at a stage that is not appropriate for your offering. For example, if your product is designed for enterprises that require extensive customer data for marketing analysis, it would not be suitable for small businesses that lack these resources.

By understanding positive and negative personas, you can more effectively customize your marketing and content strategies, ensuring you attract the right customers while avoiding those who are not a good fit.

2. Defining Your Sales Funnel

Defining Your Sales Funnel

Take the time to analyze your sales funnel. Identify the user persona at each stage of the funnel. Consider what information users need and their preferred format for receiving it. Do they prefer reading detailed blog posts, participating in live webinars, or engaging with email campaigns? Understanding the type of content your audience consumes will help inform your keyword research, content marketing strategies, marketing channel selection, and language use.

Before diving into keyword research, prioritize determining the topics you want your content to cover. These topics will form the basis of your content pillars and guide more detailed keyword research later. Start by compiling a dozen words and terms related to your service, known as ‘seed keywords.’

Use an SEO tool to explore these terms and their variations to discover their search volume. This process will help you identify popular short-tail keywords that will serve as the foundation for your content pillars. Instead of creating individual posts for each keyword, organize your blog posts around these topics and target specific long-tail keywords within each group.

3. Do Extensive Keyword Research

Do Extensive Keyword Research

Thorough keyword research lays a strong base for all your SEO activities. It’s like using a broad approach to capture a wider audience online.

Focusing on the most common keywords in any niche is usually insufficient because they tend to be highly competitive, making it hard to rank for them.

Begin by listing at least 300 keywords. This approach helps you dig deeper, uncovering a variety of niche terms, long-tail keywords, and specific phrases that might not be immediately apparent yet are still relevant to your audience.

This task might initially seem challenging, but you can utilize various SEO tools to pinpoint low-difficulty keywords that your competitors might have yet to notice. These overlooked keywords can attract focused traffic to your website with less competition.

Furthermore, it’s wise to examine your competitors’ keywords to find gaps and understand your target audience’s language and search behaviors to pinpoint the most promising keyword opportunities.

4. Study Competition

Study Competition

While it may not be the most out-of-the-box strategy, it’s still essential. One of the most practical methods of evaluating your position in search engines is analyzing your competitors for the topics and keywords you want to rank for.

For instance, if you want your nonprofit website to rank for the topic of healing music and keywords related to “songs for healing,” you can begin by using Google as usual to check out your competitors. However, this method exposes you to search personalization, where Google displays results it thinks you prefer based on your previous searches and website interactions.

A more objective method might involve using SEO tools like Ahrefs’ “SERP Overview” feature, which provides a non-personalized view of the organic search results.

This tool allows you to identify which websites hold the most authority within your niche for a specific topic or search term. This insight helps you gauge the type of content that Google deems relevant, allowing you to adjust your content strategy effectively to aim for the Top 10 search results.

5. Improve Your Website’s Mobile SEO

Improve Your Website's Mobile SEO

Over 50% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices, making it essential for your website to be mobile-friendly and optimized for mobile SEO. To achieve this, start by using a responsive design that adapts well to any screen size.

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in search rankings. Additionally, ensure your site loads quickly, as slow loading speeds can increase bounce rates and negatively impact your search ranking. To speed up your website, compress images, enable browser caching, and reduce the use of CSS and JavaScript that block rendering. Also, adjust your content for mobile viewing by breaking up large text blocks, using subheadings, and adding visuals.

6. Active Link Building

Active Link Building

The advancement of AI tools has enhanced and expedited the content creation process, leading to an abundance of quality content online. Consequently, Google and other search engines now emphasize additional factors, such as the quantity and quality of backlinks, to determine website rankings.

This shift highlights the need for a focused effort on active link-building as part of your SEO strategy.

Effective strategies to consider include:

  • Competitor Backlink Outreach: Aim to obtain backlinks from sources that link to your competitors.
  • Niche Edits: Contact other websites to request the inclusion of your backlink in an existing, relevant article.
  • Guest Posting: Contribute high-quality blog posts to well-regarded websites within your industry.

7. Improving Content Shareability

Improving Content Shareability

Maintaining a robust social media presence is essential in today’s business environment, largely due to the ability to share content effectively. Social media platforms boost connectivity and are instrumental in enhancing SEO. Sharing content like website links on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can increase website traffic and improve organic search rankings.

It is crucial to include social media sharing options with every piece of content you produce, whether it’s an infographic or a blog post. Offering incentives for sharing content can also prove beneficial. For example, you might hold a contest that requires participants to share a link on their social media profiles to enter.

Employing a range of strategies that respond to changes in the social media landscape in 2024 will improve the shareability of your content on social media.

  • Utilize Short-Form Video Content: Platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are pivotal in social media engagement due to their high engagement and retention rates. Creating short, engaging videos that reflect your brand’s messaging and values can effectively capture attention. Use a combination of informative, entertaining, and promotional content to maintain audience interest.
  • Interactive and Audio Content: Engaging your audience with interactive formats like audio chat rooms (e.g., Twitter Spaces, LinkedIn Live) or even podcasts allows for real-time interaction, which helps build stronger connections with your audience. This method is particularly effective among younger audiences who prefer direct and authentic communication with brands.
  • Content That Reflects Brand Values: Sharing content that reflects your brand values connects with consumers who value purpose and ethical practices in brands. This strategy not only builds brand loyalty but also drives higher engagement levels.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging your audience to create content related to your brand can significantly expand your reach and authenticity. UGC typically receives more engagement and can influence purchasing decisions more effectively than standard brand messaging. Sharing and celebrating user-created content is important to build a community atmosphere.
  • Optimized Profile and Bio: Make sure your social media profiles are optimized with relevant keywords and a clear bio that conveys your brand’s core message and value proposition. This enhances discoverability through both social and regular search engines.
  • Responsive Customer Interaction: Actively engage with comments, messages, and mentions. Establishing a dedicated customer service channel on social media can enhance user satisfaction and foster more interaction, increasing your content’s visibility and shareability.
  • Visuals and Media Enhancements: Incorporating high-quality images, videos, and infographics can make your content more attractive and comprehensible, thus boosting the likelihood of shares and engagement. Ensure all visual content is SEO-optimized to increase visibility.

8. Optimize Landing Page

Optimize Landing Page

You likely already have a landing page or two set up. It’s important to ensure these pages, along with any additional ones, adhere to SEO and content optimization standards, including Schema markup, keyword research, content marketing strategies, and link-building techniques. Optimizing your landing pages effectively requires attention to several key areas that boost both user experience and search engine visibility.

  • Page Speed and Accessibility:

Your landing page should load quickly. Pages that load in more than four seconds often experience higher abandonment rates. A fast-loading page enhances user experience and helps keep visitors engaged.

  • Strong SEO Practices:

Use targeted keywords effectively in your page’s title tags, meta descriptions, and body content to match your audience’s search habits. Position these elements strategically to improve your page’s visibility and ranking.

  • Simplified Forms and Distinct CTAs:

Reduce the number of fields in your forms to boost conversion rates—simpler forms usually lead to more user engagement. Make sure your call to action (CTA) is clear and prominently displayed to quickly draw the user’s eye without causing confusion.

  • Internal Linking and Navigation:

Keep your navigation simple to encourage user interaction with your content, avoiding any complexity that might deter engagement. Strategically use internal links to retain users on your site, supporting the conversion path without creating distractions.

  • Continuous Testing and Analytics:

Utilize tools such as A/B testing and analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences. These insights help you make informed decisions to enhance your landing page’s effectiveness continuously.


Adopting effective SEO strategies is essential for small businesses looking to enhance their online presence and attract local customers. Businesses can improve their search rankings by focusing on tailored tactics like defining buyer personas, conducting thorough keyword research, studying competition, optimizing for mobile SEO, and engaging in active link building.

Additionally, enhancing content shareability through social media and optimizing landing pages for better user experience and search engine visibility are crucial steps. These strategies collectively ensure that small businesses not only stand out in search results but also drive meaningful engagement and conversions, setting the stage for growth in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I optimize my content for featured snippets and other SERP features in 2024?

    To optimize for featured snippets and SERP features, structure your content to answer key questions and use structured data markup directly. This improves visibility and may boost click-through rates from search results.

  2. What role does audience understanding play in SEO strategy for 2024?

    Understanding your audience’s needs and search behavior is crucial. Tailoring your content strategy accordingly can enhance engagement, improve SEO performance, and establish your business as a leader in your industry.

  3. Can AI be used to enhance SEO strategies, and how?

    AI helps optimize SEO by providing insights, automating tasks like keyword research and content creation, and offering recommendations. Balancing AI capabilities with human expertise is essential for effective SEO enhancement.

  4. What is the importance of visual search optimization in 2024?

    With advancements in image recognition technology, visual search is gaining importance. Optimizing website visuals and product images with descriptive names and alt text can capitalize on this growing trend in search behavior.

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